Please Note: This is a sample form for viewing purposes only. To submit a form please visit the URL that was in the email request that you received.

Sponsor: Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies

Program: Research Experience for Teachers (RET)

Thank you for agreeing to submit a letter of recommendation in support of Sample Applicant's Research Experience for Teachers (RET) application.

Participant Information
Name:Sample Applicant
School:University of Timbuctoo, Middle of Nowhere
Reference Information
Instructions: Please evaluate the applicant by selecting an option after each characteristic to be evaluated in the column that most nearly represents your opinion. Compare the applicant with a representative group of individuals qualified for independent research whom you have known and who have had approximately the same amount of experience and training as the applicant. If you lack knowledge to make a definite rating, check the column "Inadequate Opportunity to Observe."

Student Qualities Below Average Average Good Superior
(Top 10%)
Opportunity to Observe
Ability to master academic work
Ability to master lab research work
Ability in oral expression
Ability to write
Motivation/Ability to follow through on a project
Emotional stability and maturity
Self-reliance and independence
Ability to work with others
Creative or innovative talent
Organizational skills

How long have you known the applicant?

In what connection?

Comments on Applicant: In the space below please add any comments that will assist in our making a judgment as to whether the applicant should be admitted to the Research Experience for Teachers (RET).

I certify that I am the person represented in this letter of recommendation and that all the information contained herein is complete and true.
Please Note: This is a sample form for viewing purposes only. To submit a form please visit the URL that was in the email request that you received.